Originally Posted by red6spd
Careful with the Mustang comments, we have more Mustang fan boys on this forum then Z lovers  
Anyway I think I know what you are talking about. People tend to drive faster around me almost like there trying to race me in there normal everyday cars. I never got the finger LOL but I have had many dirty looks for no reason at all.
Driving fast cars fast provokes some strange behavior in other drivers.
1) Used to go trolling for fast drivers, starting out around 80mph and waiting for some guy to stick with me, then gradually speeding up to see how fast they would go. Once a guy in a maroon Buick went up to 90mph with me for a half-mile, but then backed off. I kicked it up to 100 and went off looking for other fish.
2) Once driving 95mph at night through northern Michigan and noticed some lights far back, but they were very, very slowly gaining. I thought a cop would be gaining faster, so just kept going 95. After many long minutes, a caramel-colored old Pinto pulled along side and slowly on ahead. I caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a young guy in a plaid shirt behind the wheel. I went up to his speed, 97mph, which appeared to be the top speed of his Pinto, and we went on through the cool Michigan night for quite a while. Then my radar detector went off and I honked at the dude and slowed down, and he did too, and we motored by a radar cop at 65mph, and after 30 seconds or so, went back to 97mph. When I slowed for my exit, he flashed his lights, i flashed mine, something of a strange bond in the outlaw love of speed. I often wonder about the kid in the caramel Pinto and wonder if he ever got a better car--or a radar detector. He was the only driver I ever ran across who would drive at or above 90mph for more than a few seconds.