Originally Posted by Rockhound
It's funny you say that. In my 5 years in my career I've encountered several senior coworkers that have built their entire career on this practice. As long as you can shoot from the hip and sound convincing doing it, there's plenty of money to be made in the art of BS'ing.
LOL. There is a guy where I work (senior network engineer/architect) who is like that. Unbelievably incompetent but he can talk the talk.
The company i work for spent over 2 million in network equipment and we have had more downtime than ever since this guy started... The competent guy got so fed up with him he quit.
Why was he hired and put above the previous guy? Because he looked better on paper and had more certifications/qualifactions. I only do some networking stuff (mostly linux sysadmin) but also full switch/router access so kind of a junior network admin as well. Well even I have encountered tons of times where he is doing things amazingly retarded that really show he doesn't know WTF he is doing.
Also blames someone else and makes excuses. Nothing is ever his fault. I hate people like this. Another junior network level guy fired as he used him as his scapegoat. Luckily for me networking isnt even part of my job description I just happen to do it and took on some extra responsibilities. I am glad he can't do that crap to me.