Originally Posted by onzedge
I am ditching work for a couple of hours to go to downtown Sacramento (about 3 miles from home) to try to see and shoot pictures of the Shuttle Endeavour flying over the capital this morning.
Very cool! I wasnt even aware it was flying over.
Originally Posted by onzedge
 Welcome to the Thread of Lost Productivity!!!
O m g! So true!
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Oh well-theres no second chance-lol, i missed it totally! Ha!
Originally Posted by Davey
Good morning everyone...
Holy ****, what a week or two it has been... I was on vacation until Tuesday, then my brother-in-law, & his wife/kid and my sister-in-law are in town for the weekend, not even sure the Z is still in the garage, haven't slept more than 5 hours in several days, will be running around all weekend.
I'm not kidding in the slightest when I say, I was glad to come to work today so I could relax and get some peace and quiet!
I hope you're all doing well, I don't have time to read the 85 pages I missed so forgive me if I am uninformed of anything. 
Hilrious! You are funny man!! Gawd-no reps to give! Oh! I know!! I will "like" it for ya!
Originally Posted by shadoquad
statistics about people circle-jerkin' each others' posts?
Color me impressed 

thats all reps are anyway so bite me.