Thread: Gas Pedal Delay
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Old 09-19-2012, 11:50 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Vegitto-kun View Post
It is actually faster in AT to floor it. since if you want to floor it in MT you need to put the gearbox in manual and then down shift to the right gear.

while in the AT mode you just SLAM your foot down and it instantly shifts to the lowest possible gear.

I never had this kind of delay other than the gearbox shifting
I thought you can just hit the paddles and it will go into manual mode for a bit?

Tbh going into manual mode and downshifting is much faster than flooring it in D.when you choose the gear you want to be in, its instant power opposed to waiting for the car to downshift than getting the power.

Oh and you make it sound like its a pain to drive a MT, all I have to do is press the clutch and shift into a gear lower than overdrive(I usually shift into 4th) and I have my power lol.
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