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Old 01-12-2009, 05:30 PM   #70 (permalink)
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caj77 is on a distinguished road

GT-R man, your comments are posted like a true car salesperson. As you are, you identified that in a previous post & thread.

Save us the trouble regarding your comments on how people should & shouldnt buy a car, how they say things or whatever strategy they choose to implement while negotiating a deal...unless they are of value. Which, none of yours have been thus far.

I have bought many new cars in my time, from very expensive German ones to economical Japanese ones:

1. I have NEVER met a "highly trained" salesperson. I have rarely met a salesperson who is remotely knowledgeable. So you can shave off a few points the total right there for savings.

2. In one breath you write "[they] have a inflated sticker to make a high profit to make up for those who buy the cars for nothing" yet in another breath you write "If you paid too much for a car blame yourself". Your words are oxymoronic & hypocritical.

3. The last thing any buyer should do is consider their manners...especially if they plan on peeling off $35k+. Regardless of what they are buying, a car, watch, jewelry, whatever. The salesperson should consider THEIR manners. Whos money is being spent again? Now go make me a sandwich.

3 1/2. How come I get treated better, much better in fact, when I go and purchase another $xx,xxx watch than I do when I go buy a car? Comical.

4. Charging more for sticker is utterly disgusting...but I forgot...thank you for pointing it out, to quote you "dealers are a business not a charity they are there to make money not break even".

Retail is for suckers. I will bend any car salesperson over & squeeze blood from a stone not because I cant afford their offer, its because I LOVE to do it....for all the reasons you wrote about!

All my best!
A very satisfied car buyer
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