Thread: [For Sale] GTM stage 2 part out sale.
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Old 09-17-2012, 10:42 AM   #6 (permalink)
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tibal is a glorious beacon of lighttibal is a glorious beacon of lighttibal is a glorious beacon of lighttibal is a glorious beacon of lighttibal is a glorious beacon of lighttibal is a glorious beacon of light

Thank you very much for the answers!

I cant see the pictures here @ work due to blocked PB accounts. Other than that sounds great and appears to be a great starting point for someone wanting to go boost.

Originally Posted by kpjc4eva View Post
Yes it comes with the waste gate. You can see it on the picture with the turbo and manifold.

No the turbos do not need to be rebuilt unless you want to increase the mm of the turbo. That's the only reason why I could think of rebuilding the turbo. I wouldn't sell something broken.

No cracks on the manifold or I wouldn't be selling it.

Couplers are in good condition. Never replaced the ones from GTM.

I don't think it ever came with power steering spacers. I could be wrong but I'll double check sometime this week.

You provide your own downpipe and exhaust system.

Anything else?

Oh thanks for your interest.

I would part the manifold but I'm getting a handful of offers so as of now no, but if that changes I'll def. let you know.
2010 - PG - M6 - 370zTT 453/409 6lbs
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