Originally Posted by simota1
yah i know what your talking about there are a lot of dumbasses around here... some of them do that so youll race them....  dont worry about the meet man well have a more planned one in october for sure.... ill get the word out... were also releasing the vq alliance stickers then... 
Nice, got a preview?
Also, a side note: Tonight I was waiting at the uphill light going towards Outback from DFS and the car completely died out on me. No interior lights, no keyfob, nothing electronic would work. Got a tow truck to pull it off the street for me to back behind the DFS building and when I sat back down in the car the interior lights and stuff were working again. The car started right up. So I'm completely confused as to what happened. But something I noticed, now my automatic up for the windows won't work. When I open the door, the window goes down a little like it usually does but when I close it, it doesn't go back up. But if I open it up again, it goes down a little more, and on close, still doesn't go back up. It would roll the window all the way down eventually if you opened it and closed it enough times. Anyone know what this might be and how to fix it?