Originally Posted by 370Z Purist
I could do the 18" section for the street and swap out for the nonresonated for track/autoX use. Would be convenient.
I meant that you could have "bolt on" resonators along the same vein as the motordyne, that is, you have a removable/interchangeable section(s) on the H pipe. Take off the two resonated sections, replace with straight sections. As previously stated this only introduces problems at the gain of convenience; you'll have more flanges, more gaskets that could fail, more bolts/nuts that could rust shut, etc.
Also, that H pipe comes together, so isn't it not a true dual (splitting hairs here) because you don't have individual pipes for each bank of cylinders?
I feel like I'm just trolling now so I'm just gonna wait for short tail catback updates.
I like your ideas a lot but from a production standpoint that will be way too much, we then would have to make straight pipes for both 12" and 18" sections, this then would mean you would have 2 extra flanges on EACH side that really isn't necessary but only to be able to swap out your resonators.
Our H-pipe has 2 outlets, and that 1 short connector towards the end. That's suppose to help cancel out and resonate some exhaust frequencies.
Just to make it super clear, here is the pic again
this top side is where it will connect to your stock cat/hfc/tp/etc

this bottom side is where we will begin to make the midpipe to connect to your short tails/oem rear section
here is a picture of motordynes xyz pipe with the straight pipe option

as you can see it goes from 2 pipes into 1, and exits out of 1. This is not considered a true dual here
the h-pipe and motordynes xyz pipe is the exact same replacement. There's goes from 2 inlets to 1 outlet, ours goes from 2 inlets to 2 outlets.
the midpipe has not been built yet!!
sorry I feel like I'm confusing a lot of people here