Originally Posted by UNKNOWN_370
We can plead deferred adjudication up to 20mph over the speed limit. This means... plead no contest, don't speed for 3 months and it will never go on your record. You get stopped a second time within the 3 months and both hits go on your record. It's a game.
Option two... Plead no contest. Take a drivers-ed class. Probation is 12 months with the same deal as deferred. The most you save in doing drivers ed is $30.
So i choose defrred and save myself 9 months of bullshyt. Don't believe the hype. Radars work!!!!
Thanks for the TX info... I have a radar detector, but he was using LIDAR, and right when it went off I slammed on the brakes... And I just saw him put the LIDAR gun away and he just got on the bike, waited for me, I even acknowledged him and pointed to the parking lot right after the intersection...
I'm wondering if it is possible to win the ticket by saying, I was in the far right lane going 35-40 which is a speed that the officer indicated was a safe speed to travel and there was a parked FedEx truck with flashers on blocking the right lane (No parking is allowed on that lane at that time of day), and no one was letting me in, (the officer even said, "I know no one was probably letting you in, but 57 is just a bit too fast[I wouldn't include this part in the argument]") and at that moment I was too close to hitting the truck to hit the brakes and I decided to accelerate because I saw and opening because someone ahead of me was letting me in...
Any lawyers out there that think this can win on trial by written declaration???