Originally Posted by DarkJak
Had the same problem on the G37 and took it in. Sure enough, it was warped rotors. Infiniti resurfaced them under warranty. However, after a few months, the issue came back. Haven't bothered to take it in yet since it's not my car and my parents don't drive it hard enough to notice.
The issue has started on my Z a few months ago, on and off, and I'm wondering if I should just replace the rotors with aftermarket. Would those warp after heavy use?
It's the pads and your driving style, not the rotors. I have never had a car do this to me before. It must be Nissan's pads coupled with the fact that I am guessing you use your brakes in the twisties a bit and then stop at a red-light and that's where the harm is done.
Un-even pad material transfer caused by a)poor bedding (I followed Akebono's advice and just drove easy for 500 miles...not the way I plan on doing it this time around. I will follow a more conventional brake-bedding process) and b) driving the car "easy" after getting the rotors hot, and sitting at a redlight letting the pad material burn onto the rotor face.