Hey everyone,
I just wanted to take a few minutes to introduce myself. My name is Ken and I just picked up my baby girl, Kaitlyn, four hours ago! She is a 2013 6MT Pearl White with sports package and I'm in love already. I'm hella excited about it and can't even sleep right now! All I can think about is driving it tomorrow!!
I already ordered a couple of little things for the car and it should be arriving here shortly! The mod bug has already bit me and I barely got the car!

I have the GT-R push button, ProClip iPhone 4 mount, and a couple of LEDs coming in already hahah I plan on swapping out the interior map lights and the license plate lights.
Anyways, looking forward to learning more about our cars and meeting all the dope people on this forum. ON TO THE PICS!!
First pic was when I first got to the dealership and she was waiting for me hahah. Second pic is right before I drove her home. I got her with 10 miles on the odometer