The jack points for the Z are on the pinch rails just inside the plastic side skirts. The specific points are where there are pairs of divets in the rails. The front point on each side is roughly around the door hinge joint and the rear point is right around where you see the rape-age on my car.
370Z Purist has it right. My problem wasn't the jack or the location, it was the height to which I jacked it on a slippery floor. As the car became more tilted, the opposite tire slipped and the pinch rail adapter slipped off the now angled pinch rail. Solution is to not jack it up as high and pick a better surface for lifting the car.
I didn't even get to the point of placing my jack stands under the car. Sometimes I used to change brake pads or tires with just the jack. Now it's always going to be jack stands with the addition of a wheel or two if I'm going under the car. Cinder blocks cannot support the weight of a falling car...don't use them! They'll crumble into cinders and you'll be squished.
2013 Cadillac V-Wagon, RIP Z
Last edited by spearfish25; 09-10-2012 at 03:47 PM.