It's comical how certain ones are saying anyone who doesnt have first hand experience with either product is saying to STFU it's only for the OP to decide the facts. This is an open forum if you dont like it being debated then kindly
. Anyone who is considering this route has interest in this information. So before you start saying this has blown and that has blown if it is heresay it is best not to bring it in to pass it as fact as it will quickly be called out. How do I know if he doesn't have a friend or friends that have a certiain SC setup that have blown them. Easy question to answer and dumb question to ask. Anyone that has said product and blown their engine has either A) notified the seller of said product about their problem and laying blame on the kit or B) owned up that they are a dumbazz and should not be allowed around said parts or anything mechanical for that matter.