Originally Posted by shadoquad
Maryland has speeding cams, although it's a purely financial penalty, won't reach your driving record.
But they're still making money hand-over-fist from the people. Part of how they sold it was on safety, so they say they'll put it in school zones and road construction zones.
In the years since they've passed the bill, empty road construction areas with no one working, or even unnecessary/redundant construction areas, have popped up all over the place to justify their cameras. If you drive the beltways or major interstates, you will see construction zones probably once every 30 miles or so?
Maryland, land of the human ATM machines.
See this is why I was kind of eager to leave the facism of NY and the surrounding states. (except PA). It's like the crash test dummy for a Miltarist facist rule in america. Texas is doing it too but in baby steps. The north has an onslaught of civil and bill of rights violations by state and local govt's.
Rant over back OT