Originally Posted by red6spd
I'm sure it did not cost a crazy amount, the point I'm getting at is you really don't care if it pops correct? If your going to do FI on a car that does not have it its wise to have some spare money just in case the motor goes but most the guys running FI on this forum do care if it pops and don't get to out of hand with the boost. What do you think the longevity is on a engine with a set like this? Your the expert but it don't seem long to me.
We're prepared for anything at this point.
The turbo kit that's on the car can support another 100WHP if needed.
I kept the car at a power level where I thought it would actually have a chance.
Based on the testing we're doing ( more than 1/4 stuff ) it looks surprisingly good. Two months ago i wouldn't have believed it.
We also have a few customer cars - 270WHP, and another one at 300WHP. (Pumpgas)
So far so good.