Originally Posted by Attaboy
my z stays in the garage the majority of the time. i'll take it to work on Fridays as long as there is no threat of bad weather (almost got stuck in a hail storm 2 days after purchase) and cruise it on weekends. those days i take the car to work are the only times the car is left in the sun for more than 8 hours.
nice catch on the poster... it's actually a rare, "closer to god" concert sized poster from the downward spiral tour era. scored it at the NIN/David Bowie show in Denver back in 95. couldnt bear to let it go, so i put it in the garage next to the coolest thing i own. I've seen NIN 7 times now.. the Lights in the Sky show was BAD-***!!. missed the "wave goodbye" tour though. 
Well, I am truly baffled by the spots, sorry I coudn't be of more help.
The Lights in the Sky Tour was really an experience. I'd say that was the best concert I have ever seen - the visuals and effects were absolutely awesome, and the music was spot on. I saw the Wave Goodbye tour in Columbia, MD and that was also a fantastic show, but more for the music than anything else. They played some oddities that they usually never do live and that was also the only concert I have ever been to that I liked all three acts.