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Old 09-06-2012, 11:51 AM   #1 (permalink)
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swiss370Z is a jewel in the roughswiss370Z is a jewel in the roughswiss370Z is a jewel in the rough
Smile Which HFC for a TT or SC Build

Hello my dear, supercharged and TT 370Z owners.

I have not found a proper thread where was accurately described,
catalyst which is best suited for the extra power in a more boost Nissan 370Z?

My problem is that the original catalysts for 5000 km already given up the ghost and the new Fast Intentions 300 cells catalysts also already broken after 10000 Km (loose in housing) are.

What catalysts can you recommend me for the extra power 500 HP?
What are you going and you have no problems so far?

Thanks for the answers and a dear Greetings from Switzerland
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