Originally Posted by Fire
I also was trapped in the intake of an A6 on the flight deck when an F14 turned pointing it's exhaust right at me. Talk about hot. Luckily it was turning to get on the cat's and was only there for about 15 seconds.

oh lawd... we had this thing called man on the stand... it's when you are literally on a stand behind the prop of a C-130 and the engine is running... talk about a wtf? the first time you even see it..
Originally Posted by Fire
Yup I also did a ground run up of a F4 in full afterburner. Talk about power. You could feel the chains straining to hold it inplace.
it's a pretty satisfying feeling...
Originally Posted by Fire
Good luck on your promotion also. I was an E4 for 5 years in the Marines. Never busted, no marks in my record. Had the highest promotion score of any E4 in the Marines but they would not promote anybody in my MOS due to them phasing out my plane the A6 Intruder. did also work on F14's FA18's and Harriers.
Thanks, promotion rates are so odd in the AF... lol like next year I will be testing PDG only because of a huge change in my MOS/AFSC