Originally Posted by jlbrenne
Whats installation look like on these..can you write up a generic DIY for these..I just want to make sure that im capable. Thanks!!!
The install on these is EXTREMELY simple. The only tools required are a very thin tipped Flathead screwdriver, and your hands.
Installation DIY:
- Use the screwdriver to pry out one corner of the cover plate, then pull it off the other 3 posts.
- Remove old bulb.
- Insert plug for new LEDs (Do a quick On/Off test to make sure they work)
**If they do not come on, simply unplug, flip plug, replug and do it again. These are polarity specific.
- Do quick cycle check of all features to confirm everything works.
- Peel off 3M adhesive cover paper, Press to inside of cavity for 30 seconds with decent pressure.
- Tuck wires.
- Replace Cover plates.
- Enjoy.

Originally Posted by Romulus1
Is there a link to the 9 LED pods? or do those not have the color change option? Im in for a set of these if the 9 LED pods are color change!
Well, im in for it if they dont too, im just gonna get the 6 LED pod haha Thanks!
I can tell you I previously had a 12 LED chip in there, and with now only having the 6 LED pod, it is
WAY brighter.

9 of these LED's would just be ridiculous.