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Old 09-05-2012, 05:12 PM   #1 (permalink)
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cosmicdust73 is on a distinguished road
Default Advice to anyone getting their new 370z's windows tinted!

I got my new Z a week ago and within 3 days I decided to take my car to get its windows tinted. I used the same shop that I used previously for my 2009 Z. Long story short... when I picked up my car the tinter pointed out a minor scratch (about 1 inch long) in the middle of the rear window. I didn't think much of it at the time. Later when I got home I found another minor scratch and I also remembered how tinters use razor blades to trim the tint film on the outside of the windows. When I went back to the shop to question him about the scratches he basically denied it up and down that his shop had anything to do with it. (and there is no way for me to prove it) The scratches are in a place in the middle of the window and top edge of the window (close to the roofline) where the tinters would not be working... but it's always possible for an accident or slippage of the razor blade to happen. It's also quite possible that the scratches were there from the factory or occurred during dealer prep... but somehow I doubt it. It seems too coincidental.

Bottomline is this... if you plan to get tints, do yourself a favor and inspect every inch of the car with the installers first. Maybe even take closeup pictures ahead of time. This could be tricky because many times window scratches will not show up in pictures. Even better would be to find a shop that does machine cutting by computer. That eliminates the whole razor blade on your windows ordeal, which by the way I think is ridiculous! Luckily the scratches that I now need to live with are fairly minor and no one will ever even notice them except for me. Too bad I'm obsessive compulsive over things like this...

Last edited by cosmicdust73; 09-05-2012 at 05:17 PM.
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