Originally Posted by anthonyy
 completely agree. Okay, maybe being bias isn't the best word... how about post-purchase rationalization 
But don't get it twisted, I love my Z and the Z's I had before this one.
I just don't like it when there is one neutral or bad review and people freak out. F*** the reviewer, he's probably a C+ journalism student.
I don't freak out cuz I know the Z and its capability. When I hear negatives from acquaintances reading car mag literature. I can change there mind with offering them 10 minutes in the passenger seat. What pisses me off though is, we're in a country where people instantly believe anything read in a popular magazine without knowledge or testing of a product.
It kills Z sales which can affect us in the future. It's things like this that drop car value,
Make Nissan cancel or NOT export the Z for sale in America, or it makes people lose interest in wanting to enter the sports car world in general.