Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
Page 3
Before I get into this I just want to say for most of the systems I have seen, and for what the stock alternator is capable of putting out. NO ONE will even need to worry about running one of these. That being said they DO reduce or omit light dimming, but they are not a fix more like a band aid. What a capacitor dose is stores a charge of power that can be depleted very quickly, this allows some of the strain to be taken off the factory charging system. But the cap still have to be recharged over and over again. This in turn may cause damage to your charging system over time. Do not feel bad if you have run one before as even I have at one time. So if your lights do dim a lot it might be time to look for a new alternator and or a second battery that would be mounted in the trunk. The only time you will have to worry about this happening is if you are running over 1000 rms all the time.
Ok so I guess my question then would be how likely is it that it would damage the charging system?
And overall for installation, how expensive is it usually to install a system like this? I just want to compare the cost of getting it done versus the time cost of me having to research and do it myself including the risk of messing something up...
Originally Posted by bigaudiofanat
Hush mat is a foam rather than something that just sticks to the surface like dynamat. Dynamat keeps things from moving which cause vibration. Where as a foam material usually pretty thick absorbs the sound that is transmitted through the metal.
So which of the two would you recommend for a system like mine hypothetically going into a 370z base trim?