Originally Posted by Togo
I really hate this ethanol in the fuel mix to be honest... I also feel like there wasn't sufficient testing on it's effects in an engine before it became a mandatory mix. 
whats wrong with the ethanol mix? There has been plenty of testing done on it. and at those levels of ethanol (10%) all it does is minorly bring down the price of your gas, improve SLIGHTLY the octane rating, and make your combustion run a little cooler.
Really cannot hurt at all. if we stay in the 10-15% range.
Now, run anything higher than 60% and all sorts of crap happens. Fuel lines need to be changed, same as the gas tank floater, injectors should be bored out a little, etc..etc.. Not to mention that you run less BTU's per volume of fuel.
so as long as its low, I am all for it, bring my gas price down, run my engine slightly cooler its all gravy.