i have allways loved the z cars iam 6'6" and i still fit in one lol just barely. i am interested in buying a 350 or 370 turbo with 6 speed,but in no hurry not looking for a steal but a pretty good deal . i currently own a 07 350 silver with sport package like new only 15000 miles bought for $22.000 from an older gentleman 75 yoa but its an auto ; ( i just joined today so i havnt learned how to navagate site yet plus i only started with computers a few months ago . i thought about blowing my z but the automatic trans wouldnt be no good for that! ive heard they call that trans on those the glass box ! so i thought about selling mine and buying one that allredy was ready to plus i know it would be less exspensive lord knows ive spent tons of money in the past on diff cars and trucks and sold then at a fraction of what i had invested and that doesnt count the labor i guess thats where the luv comes in

iam gonna be on the lookout on this site but if any one knows of one elsewhere give me a shout thanks billy