That would be me! Last week I drained the tank and took out the stock system, so today, I was starting with an empty tank and from a clean slate. Took about 5 hours, but I could do it again in 3, as some things I had to try a couple of different ways to figure out the best way to do it.
I've got about 15 cuts on my hands from working in the tank, but overall, it wasn't difficult, just not a lot of space to work with.
After finishing it up, I put a 1/4 tank in and went for a drive. I did a 290 degree cloverleaf at 5000 plus rpm in 3rd and acclerated from that the whole time and then continued up the on ramp and had no stumbles at all.
This thing rocks!
First full track test coming the 29th, either at Sebring or Road Atlanta. ( I think my Sebring event is going to be cancelled
