No problem on the bump, this journal is long overdue for updates anyways.
And yes, I realized I made an error there some time ago, but my brake saga has been a long and varied one, and I wanted to get to the bottom of everything before I updated again. You're right about the tolerances. The actual specs are:
Thickness Variation: .0006" (all 4 corners)
Front Runout: .0014"
Rear Runout: .0022"
So yes, even after indexing, two of my rotors were out of spec in that case by my own measurement (one of the rears and one of the fronts). However, I can't say *definitively* whether the rotors were truly bad, because I did my runout measurements with the lugnuts just barely tightened on the rotors (no wheel of course). I could have made more effort to torque them down properly with a washer under the lugnut, but I didn't because even with the light torquing the readings were "in spec", except I was looking at the wrong specs I had written down

, and I didn't discover my numerical problem until a couple months later when I was re-reading the specs in the service manual to measure another set of rotors.
Follow-up post incoming with the whole Brakes Rotors Saga this car has been through in recent months.