Originally Posted by martin82
Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N
All said and done fighting a ticket will cost you about 12 hours (from standing in line, court, etc.) spread out over several days. Avg speeding ticket just from my experience is anywhere between $350-$500 depending on the type of infraction (typically CVC22350 or 22351 will be in the low/mid range and account for 90% of speed related infractions). So you can do the math and determine whether or not 12 hours for $350 (lets argue the low end) is worth your time off from work.
Ofcourse OP was on the highway which I think has its own CVC altogether and probably carries a heftier fine.
Personally I fight every ticket I can because if you don't you also have to factor in cost of driving school + time spent at driving school (once again depending on infraction it could be as simple as an online course or an 8 hour driving class). The counter argument is that winning is never guaranteed which, ofcourse, will need to factor into your decision as well.
No frekin way! So i just got another citation trough the mail but its for not having up to date registration. And i never signed it. The cop just put owners responsibility. Cant i fight that one too? And say i never signed it. ?? Aghh