Yes, it really varies by states, some you can just call the police department and ask for the number to be put in probation for 6month-1 year usually but only for that same county. I know I did this in Indiana and Illinois. From experience also, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and similar states you can just pay your uncle attorney, friend attorney $70-100 bucks and ticket disappears completely....but you gotta still pay the fine. There's pretty much always traffic school etc that you can do ^.
California is a b/iatch with tickets, so people try to context and extend as much as they can in hopes of the cop not showing up. A lot of judges obviously know this so if the cops shows up sometimes they say screw you no traffic school.....
FYI, I haven't gotten a ticket in ages, but when I was a teenager yes I was wreckless and probably got about 10 tickets but out in the midwest there is really nothing out there.......... luckily my uncle was an attorney, my friend's mom was a judge, and I knew the attorney general.... so all tickets were fixed for $0 pretty much.