Originally Posted by URNEXT!
I think many shops have this problem of not meeting deadlines. Will at RSI is very truthful in telling people his shop is on the slow side but he is working to remedy this. I think it all comes down to the first impression the shop gives you and how professional they are. I know Lee has a nasty Viper (which I believe is still the fastest pump gas Viper in the world) but I personally know nothing about his shop.
Originally Posted by tibal
Damn man, that is the worst. Hopefully within the next few weeks you get a somewhat definite answer as to when it will be ready. Im sure that is the last thing you want to do, drop 1k to have it shipped to TX and have even more of a wait.
I see that that shop did Lee Saunders's Viper? Damn, I'd guess yours is in good hands then
My car is at Chris McKee's shop. He's worked with Lee Suanders for years. Lee even employed him out of his own garage for a couple year since he has a plethora of cars.
My motor is at Chris Nelson's shop for the machine work. Both of these guys have had their hands on Lee's Viper. Seeing the reputation of Chris Nelson's shop is what is keeping me grounded while I wait. I just got a text saying "Call me when you get free. Finally talked to Nelson."