Members I was looking for your expertise/recommendations on this topic as i am a newbie regarding modifications to cars. I have been trying to do as much research as possible through the internet and other resources and now I am coming to you. I have a '12 nismo and was thinking on doing a TT modification to increase the horsepower (around 500). I was wondering if there was any other modifications that would be required in order to maintain the clutch, transmission, exhaust, or any other components i have missed. Also if a modification to one of these other components is not immediately required would be helpful. I am trying to figure what is needed so i can scrape together the money and get it done in one shot.
Also I live in NJ and from what i have seen there is only one TT kit that is produced-- GTM. Sadly they are in CA and it would be a terrible cross country trek just to get there. If any members have any recommendations of a good mechanic near me I am all ears. I took one person's recommendation for a ventureshield apply'er off these forums and was very happy with his work.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,