Originally Posted by EventHorizoN
congrats on getting her back Chris! She looks great! no more wet driving
For sure. I need to get a splitter now.
Originally Posted by Nismo89
post more videos and Pictures! so we can see it come BACK together AND live the moment as it enters the relm of the track once more.......... *evil laugh* .......... i see a movie plot here....... and its thickening. so get that video recorder going
" Z: Bourne again"....cept without Matt Damon.
oh and hit it with some dramatic background music. to liven the Suspense.
Haul A$$
More coming this weekend.
Originally Posted by martin82
damn half a tank? is not enough lol, I am now getting fuel start at 3/4 tank, until 2 weeks ago, I never had fuel starve until half tank............
Yea Im more than confident this product will work easily to 1/4 of a tank. But I don't plan to run it less than that for I always want to make sure there's plenty fuel to keep the fuel pumps cool.