Originally Posted by DR_
For all I know there might already be tape on there.
I'm not 100% sure that this is a leak at the thermostat. It might be that it just happens to be at the lowest so that is where the oil goes. If you have enough length in your lines you might want to rotate the plate so that the thermostat it is on top.
Another option is to call one of the bigger Mocal distributers, like Pegasus, and see what they have to say. .
there isnt any tape on it. its just sealed with a rubber O-ring.
I disasembled mine last winter because I wanted to smooth the edge for better flowing .
and that oil you got there might be a very tiny leak or just the residual oil from the last time you did the oil change ...
contact the company or just tight the screw a few degree ... its already torqued good to begin with.