Originally Posted by alcheng
lmao.....welllllll i mean if you want to LOL
not gonna lie....last party we had here at the house....... close to 50 ppl....... parents were not home ( LOL) 4 girls topless on the picnic table all night long. keg stands. and just hangin out lol (the only rules we set were...... no one in any part of the house BUT the kitchen and downstairs bathroom , the party was OUTSIDE. if any of the Druggies or trouble makers showed up, we kicked out ( me and my younger brother were on the look out ) all in all it was a good time...... it ended when the Beer was gone. ...... and we told everyone to leave..... they just looked at us funny like " you cant kick us out" and some kids started getting a little like HEY you cant do that .. oh really? i cant do that? its my house!......... so me and my brother looked at each other , nodded heads, and had our friend pull out his ACR assault rifle and fire a couple shots in the air..... THAT got everyone's attention and we calmly said " NOW glad we have everyones attention! Beer is gone... PARTY is OVER. time for you to leave.
-Gunshots in the air to make ppl leave.
-we could probably hook the Ps3 up for some Madden or something if you'd like or whatever
what could be better
eh you guys are alright tho.... no Funny business!


just got to let my parents know ahead of time. LOL you guys are alright though, so i wouldnt expect anything lol
im not sure how they'd take a bunch of ppl just showing up lol
Why yes..
Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs, The Ford Commericals,Deadliest Catch.. is my cousin.
i outta back hand you with my right hand! and call you b*tch!..... and im Left handed!