Originally Posted by Glokwork
Wow your Z is looking awesome buddy! Love the shift knob, I've been trying to find one for a while!
Chad, thanks much man, your Z is way out there and best of luck for the contest. The difference between the TK shift knob and stock is HUGE. This thing is heavy in comparison and the shifting so much smoother. Give a call to Mark @ BulletProofAutomotive, he will take care of you - Let him know Bertaut/Bert made the recommendation.
Originally Posted by RandyD
yep - boo for missing the cruize on the 8th...
kill a goblin for me at the renn faire. 
Boohoo I know Randy, I completely forgot about it. My director of Social Events reminded me about it over the weekend. I'll make it up to you long before November Randy. No worries, I intend on drenching a few wenches, strength displays, axe throwing & massive amount of turkey legs. I LUV the Renn deal.
Originally Posted by chris410
Nice work looks good!
Much appreciated Chris

Much more to come.