Originally Posted by GaleForce
Thanks guys
I spoke with my painter tonight. I have a meeting with him next week so to answer your question Mr.alcheng, no it won't be painted by the 3rd.
The body kit has easily been the worse transaction I've had for this car yet. I have built many show cars over the years and I know sh!t happens, but this has been brutal. I probably should have asked for a refund when I found out that they forgot to ship my items, which delayed everything even more. The real reason for the kit not being painted is because I'm still seeking closure for a manufacturing issue I have with the rear bumper... This has been going on since
the end of May, not counting manufacturing time.
Anyhow, if anyone is interested in more information I'll talk about it via PM.
Sorry to hear

Honestly, though, I kind of like the look you've got going on. It's unique and not half bad
Originally Posted by Pintsize725
Thanks guys! She's already breaking necks! 

She is looking good, Ms. Pint
Originally Posted by happytheman
I'm up! Good morning Ms. BC20, and good morning as well to the entire crew!

How did you know the day to day routine for my wife and I?
Originally Posted by Alchemy
Happy Friday! After work I will be heading over to my friends house in PA. Ill spend the night there and then its time to fix my dang gasket Sat morning for the last time, I hope. Just have to get thru today first. I have a very unique hot tub delivery today. Some numb nuts wants his tub INSIDE and on the SECOND FLOOR. That means Im going to be taking a hot tub up a flight of stairs inside this guys house  NOT COOL. Im not even sure if its possible.
Agree with GForce on the 'Pain in A$$ fee' Hope everything is going well on the install.

Originally Posted by Isamu
nada mucho honey... just working like a dog.. trying to ease out at 1p
Hey Mr. Isamu

Bark, bark, ruff, woof. That's dog for TGIF
Also, text me if you really do want a power supply for your computer. I've got one I can send you.
Originally Posted by onzedge
Sweet indeed