Originally Posted by alcheng
You guys remember those old-school race-car arcade?? Those the computer-cars will move to your lane to make you crash.... exactly what happened to me this morning...
I didn't crash... but was crazy enough... 
Ha! Glad you didn't crash, man!
Reminds me of a story... I'm driving along in rush hour traffic doing about 70 and I pass this dump truck and I'm out in the clear and coming around this blind corner and all the sudden... This green Suburban goes spinning past me across 4 lanes, through a ditch, in the air, and lands on the shoulder.
I hit the brakes when I saw her start to shoot across the road and everyone was slowing down, but then I remembered that dump truck.
I didn't feel like getting flattened by some jerk in a dump truck rear-ending me so I got the heck out of there.
Anyway, the lady blew a tire and was probably on the phone/driving with one finger and ZING! there she went, right off the road.