I'd love to do a turbo on mine at some point but then I think "why not just buy a C6"?
Then I remember: Because I'd be driving a C6.
So as of last night I'm over 1000 miles so I'm progressively pushing the car a little and it's feeling pretty good. I did bog it hard leaving a light, I didn't slip the clutch enough, and I think the car makes what, 10 hp at 900 RPM?

So I still need to really get used to driving it. I'm sure it will all come back to me.
I haven't gone past 5500 RPM yet, mainly just running the RPMs up in 4th and then letting off and slowing down by engine braking.
As much as there seems to be some controversy, the oil/water cooler on my '12 has let me cruise 5th for extended periods, and goof around quite a bit without ever going past 220 degrees so far, and it's closer to 200 most of the time, so I know it's not up to track-duty but it does seem to help when you're just flogging it a little here and there.