F2S Consulting LLC
Pistol/Carbine Class Announcement
August 24, 25-26th 2012
F2S Consulting LLC will be holding a
Combination One Day Practical Pistol and Two Day Practical Carbine Class at Echo Valley Training Center (echovalleytrainingcenter.com) about 20 minutes from Winchester VA, in High View WV on August 24, and 25-26th, 2012.
August 24th 2012 -
One day Practical Pistol will establish the shooters practical fundamentals with their sidearm. It will focus on precision, rapidly aimed fire, as well as extreme close range application from the holster. The shooter may employ any gear configuration from duty platform to daily concealed carry setup.
This class will cover:
•Setup of weapons and support gear
•Manipulations and corrective action
•Initial skill assessment
•Grip, stance, and trigger control
•Drawing and presentations
•Precision fire
•Multiple shot engagements
•Multiple target engagements
•Extreme close range engagements
•One handed manipulations and engagement
•Use of cover
•Alternate positions
Pistol class gear list:
•Serviceable handgun. May be any duty caliber from 9x19 to .45 ACP. Outside these calibers please contact us.
•Holster. Drop, sub-load, belt, or vest-mounted are all acceptable, as long as the user can draw and holster the pistol without pointing the muzzle to either side. If intending on using a SERPA, please contact me
•(5) Pistol Magazines, with at least (15) round capacity preferred. If using magazines with a capacity of (10) or less, please bring (7) magazines.
•(800) rounds of factory loaded pistol ammunition
•Magazine pouches that permit rapid access for timely reloads
•Eye Protection/Shooting Glasses
•Hearing Protection
•Electronic Ear Pro is preferred but not mandatory
•Brimmed Hat
•Weapons cleaning kit
•Firearm Lubrication
August 25-26th -
Two Day Practical Carbine takes the shooter outside of the normal CQB range and expands the skillset of the shooter through consistent rapid application of fundamental marksmanship.
The class will cover:
•Combative setup of weapons and support gear
•Manipulations/Corrective Action (Stoppage Reduction)
•Initial Skill Assessment
•Post-Shot Sequence
•Fundamental Positions
•Mid-Range Precision Shooting
•Effects of weather
•Use of Slings
•Position Refinement
•Combative Positions
•Multiple shot engagements
•Multiple Targets
•Bilateral Shooting
•Transition to Sidearm (as applicable)
•One-Handed Employment
•One-Handed Corrective Action
•Alternate Positions
•Alteration of trajectory
•Shooting on the Move
•Rapid Movement
•Use of Cover
•Use of Support
•Low-Light engagements
Rifle Class Gear list:
•Serviceable rifle or carbine. May be any caliber from 5.45x39 to 7.62x63.
•Sling. Must permit the long-gun to safely hang without requiring physical contact from the user.
•(5) Serviceable Magazines. If using (20) round mags, bring (8).
•(1,500) rounds of factory loaded rifle ammunition.
•Magazine pouches that permit rapid access for timely reloads
•Eye Protection/Shooting Glasses
•Hearing Protection (Electronic Ear Pro is preferred but not mandatory)
•Brimmed Hat
•Weapons cleaning kit
•Firearm Lubrication
Recommended Items:
•Belt pouches/pockets (or whatever combination of those) that permit the user to bring (4) magazines to the firing line (not counting the magazine in the weapon). Magazines can be placed in pockets as well.
•Shooting Mat
•Hydration source (does not need to go with the user to the firing line)
•Rain/cold weather over-garments
•Lip Balm
•Insect Repellant
•Notebook and pen
•1stAid Kit for individual use for minor injuries.
•Gloves that permit safe operation of both weapon platforms
•Knee pads. Elbow pads are not frequently needed, but are acceptable
•Comfortable, robust clothing appropriate to seasonal conditions.
•Durable shoes/boots
•Extra socks (wool recommended)
•Electronic hearing protection
•Wrap around eye protection, with clear and tinted lenses
•Spare weapon parts or back-up weapons of the same platform
•Secondary weapon(Sidearm)- If the shooter's application of the long-gun is in conjunction with one. No ammunition is necessary for course completion
Those having completed the One Day Practical Pistol are validated for secondary weapon live fire during Two Day Practical Carbine.
Course Fee:
All prices include range fees
One Day Practical Pistol - $200
Two Day Practical Carbine - $400
Combination One Day Pistol/Two Day Carbine $570
Click Here to sign up and lock in your seat.
Contact us for any information you require:
Jack@F2SConsulting.com or