Originally Posted by hindi1973
woow 116 thats winter loool its 130 today 
wish u the best , but i think 185 full power is abit too low since as i read if u have stock thermostat it opens fully at 180-185 so fans should be at full power atleast 195 , 10 degrees after the thermostat . dont count on this info though
Oops! To late. I got your reply to set the fans on full about 185 while it was headed to the tuners n he did what we told him. Will that mess anything up? I know in the summer it should be fine? but the other 6mos of the year when it's in the 70s during the day is it possible to keep the car from heating up all the way? I guess I can always take it back to the tuner and have him set it to 195 later. Whats the repercussions from having it set at 185 full power? I just wanted my a/c to work right lol