Originally Posted by daisuke149
click on advanced below the reply box... then below somewhere middle of page. manage attachments.
Originally Posted by Huck
If you look below the area you can type text in, you should see a little grey box with the option to manage attachments I think. Use that to upload a file from your computer. Otherwise use the image link code generator to link a pic from a website.
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff
Originally Posted by blackcherry20
sorry- it's an mpeg...I will prob have to change it to something else in order to uplaod as that is not one of the choices for file uploads..
Originally Posted by Huck
+1 on FI. Can't be beaten.
Mrs BC, upload it to photobucket and then link it here
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff
Originally Posted by Huck
yeah, but it's totally worth it to me. The pics actually show up in full size on the forum, you don't have to click the link to see the full size pic. Plus, it's a good way to backup your pics, and if you want to post the pic again somewhere else you don't have to go through the whole upload process again, just copy the link and paste. Wham bam.
thanks for the feedback and help guys! Can't do the Photobucket from here at work-will take care of that this evening...