I have seen only 2 in my area. One of them regularly since the driver is a really hot asian girl, easily recognizable. Always by herself too. Just so happened today as I was leaving the bank this evening around 8ish, was pulling out and checked to make sure it was clear and saw one coming down the 3 lane road a good way down all alone, was in the lane that indicated it was going to turn onto the HWY, firgured why not lets see what type of metal the FRS is really made of. Pulled out and came up to the next light infront of it. Checked the rear view and it was the same girl. As we were sitting there she whipped out a camera and snapped a couple pics of my car. Light turned green and and we both preceeded to the next light to turn onto the HWY. It had 2 turn lanes and she pulled up next to me. Glanced over and she had the offset liscense plate and what looked like rota wheel knock offs of the CE28's. Light turned green, we both made the turn, hung back to see if she was going to get on it, sure enough she did. Hammered the Z and went right past her down the on ramp, had like 30 cars by the end of the ramp. Honestly what I thought the FRS would bring to the plate. Nothing more than a FWD motor only honda can muster. Did feel good she took a pic of the car. I have seen hers numerous times but never in the position to have both stretch their legs.
Last edited by Japanjay; 08-20-2012 at 01:31 AM.