Originally Posted by kannibul
2K isn't a bad RPM to start off with - don't over-rev the car...1K is hardly do-able (that's roughly idle!). The goal isn't nessicarily to keep it at 2K. Rev it up to around 2 - 3K depending on how hard/fast you want to take off. Now if you floor it as you drop the clutch to keep it at 2-3K, then yeah, you're going to cause the car to launch forward. The idea is to give the engine a bit of intertia to drop into the drivetrain to get the car from that inital standstill=>movement effort - much like you don't touch first unless you're stopped or are on the way to 2nd gear.
What I do with my truck is I feather the gas (on/a bit off/ a bit on/a bit off) and use that along with the clutch to get it rolling.
But, it's also a vastly underpowered vehicle for it's weight and the torque is crappy (pinto engine FTL!)
The point about rolling the car without touching gas is NOT for you to rely on - it's to break the habit of mashing the gas and potentially stalling the car by letting the clutch out too fast, and/or barking the tires, etc. Once you've mastered the gas-less roll, you've learned the progression of your clutch and have established some "muscle memory"
Adding the gas pedal to the mix after that is pretty easy.
The next thing to learn once you've done that, is to learn shifts without having the engine wind up or jerk the car forward.
I was able to get the car rolloing without using the gas. However, my results are inconsistent. Sometimes it will do it...sometimes i cant quite get it to work without damn near stallin out. I'm doing much better with the car than before. I need to try to get my left leg to 'remember' where the clutch starts to grab lol.