When I was in Japan, there was actually alot of guys that ran with auto's. More specifically the guys in the mark II's, chasers, and aristos that had the 2jz and older 1jz's in them, too exspensive and hard to source the tranny and rear end out of the new supras. They would do the "feint" (never heard it called that, we always just refered to it as inertia drifiting), but also grab on the e-brake to initiate the slide. It is easy to spot since all of a sudden the rear tire is no longer spinning for a split second. Keep it in manual mode. My friends that would go to comps there were telling me that if you didnt use the ebrake they would docked points or the run wouldnt be counted.
I would assume that a square set-up preferable in the 18" range somewhere around a 265-275 at most all season non-directional so as to be able to rotate front to back and also cheaper than 19's, would be what I would look into. Get some elcheapo 18's, I would try to get a set of 4 then find a set of 2, off craigslist then go to a used tire shop and and get the cheapest tires that give you a square setup. Take 2 spares, one in the trunk and the other on the passenger seat with a towel. Burn through the first set, swap out with the spares, burn through those but keep in mind that you need to get home on them, then swap front to rear. 3 sets for playing and practicing.
I think the car suspension and power wise is more than enough. My concerns would lie in what was already mentioned regarding the steering angle not being able to go far enough and also the factory LSD. Outside of that this car is pretty much ready to go for a novice. I would even think about getting the beefiest rear sway bar to help even more in inducing over steer.
Can the front sway be disconnected on this chassis without causing issues to it?
Last edited by Japanjay; 08-11-2012 at 04:23 PM.