Originally Posted by VDC_OFF
Yes I came from a 240 as well and noticed that the 240 since it was light was great on short turns but ran out of power on big high speed turns. This car is the opposite. My biggest tip that most people fail to instruct on is steering. Steering is everything, as soon as you initiate the drift you have to throw the steering wheel all the way in the opposite direction because this thing gets sideways quick. Do that and just feather the throttle until it's under control and you will see this thing go forever, more gas more smoke  I like clutch kicking versus ebrake cause it's easier, but you will see that this car makes so much power you don't need either. I can initiate by just stepping on the gas.
Check out my vid in my journal below, I show a lot of mistakes you can learn from lol.

I really want to start sliding my car!
My bad. I live in Los Angeles