Originally Posted by Huck
This is just my two cents, but it seems to me that the price should be private, because every case is different. The price for your job might not be the same price for my job. But if one person is saying I got this service done for $5000, when I go to the same place and they say it's going to be $5100, I'm gonna throw a fit. Then they have to honor that price for every customer that comes in and says well so and so got THIS price blah blah blah.
It's nobody's duty or responsibility to tell you what they do with their money. If you feel that there's even the slightest chance that you're getting ripped off, you shouldn't be using that company anyway. If you're throwing almost $10,000 into a turbo setup, you had better be able to trust the guys enough to be able to leave your 18 year old virgin daughter in a skimpy bikini with them for a week and come back untouched.
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff
I wouldn't trust myself with someone else 18 year old virgin daughter..

but repped for being awesome!