Originally Posted by KaienZ34
What he paid is really no ones business, it not my fault you don't understand english. I didn't say he had or didn't have money. I compared him saying i paid X amount to people talking about what they make, the fact that it is in bad taste. So you are one of those guys that likes to brag about what you paid for this and that so you feel like a big man i see.
You're such a little person, what part did I misunderstood.

...I am not one of those guys to brag...I like to share my experiences. It is not bad taste to point out what cost what.
thanks for playing...
Originally Posted by KaienZ34
I don't really know what everyone is crying over. I don't see very many people posting what they paid for their wheels, bodykits, TT and SC kits.
That's a completely different animal! Boost isn't for everyone and everyone who boost isn't completely a gear head. So having a owner who just went through the process share, is always good insight.