Originally Posted by Nixlimited
The car is NA from the factory so it's definitely setup as draw-through. The presence of a compressor (SC or Turbo) in the system and which side of it the MAF is on makes it a potential blow through. When the MAF is post compressor it is blow-through, pre-compressor, just like an NA car, is draw-through.
I know the car from the factory NA is draw through .I was just talking about how the kits FI are designed.
Originally Posted by ANMVQ
ok COOL Vortech is also doing the upgrade, Told me I had the SCI and they will be doing the SI upgrade? Anyone have info on that? Similar to the 928? I looked around the interent and only found it on a mustang forum, guys have good things to say, Boost comes in earlier in the power band.
The SI is nice mustang guys use it and the E92 M3 supercharger kit made by ESS use it as well. Glad to here everything is covered for you man.
Driven Motorsports Single Turbo 7675 T4 1.32 A/R 995WHP 780TQ
Last edited by Mr.Squeeze; 08-06-2012 at 10:54 PM.