Originally Posted by smurfblu13
It might be underestimated, but still. I have owned one, given it was older, but still. Japanese and German cars will always edge out an American car on a real track. But the flip side American will for the most part always win on a drag. No replacement for displacement lol.
Not really true. Just look at the Corvettes. They will kick *** all over the place.
You can say that Japanese and American cars will always edge an American car out on a real track, but that's not really true. Sure, the Japs and Germans have built a number of cars that are great road-track oriented cars, but so have the Americans.
Same goes for drag racing. You say that the Americans have the advantage... but look at what a lot of the Japanese cars are able to do on the strip... and just look at the massive engines that MB stuffs into their performance cars.
There are A LOT of misperceptions out there. Don't let yourself get caught up in all of that madness.