Thread: Black Cherry?
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Old 08-04-2012, 11:02 PM   #54 (permalink)
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psibrr is on a distinguished road
Default bc, a trad jpn purple

Using a color picker app I found rgb's of
65-38-87 on the lighter pixels, and
50-36-87 on darker.
That's not to say only two colors in this paint, but most noticeable in my sample taken with cam in garage using white led pen light for lighting. Natural light has a much wider spectrum of course so my sample just provisional.

@ Purple - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you'll find this the closest match: Japanese Purple (Purple (Japanese traditional colors))
(Hex: #4F284B)
(RGB: 79, 40, 75)

In plain language it's a very dark purple but as many comment, it changes a lot; varying from shades of red- a brownish maroon to almost black.

So it's a complex color, heat of red and cool of blue. Historically the 'royal' color due rarity of indigo for its mix. In U.S. it tends to get lumped into a feminine color, as 'royalty' is a deprecated concept, but at least this mix looks very dark most of the time, under overcast skies it smolders nicely, to me it's a sci-fi color.

In a northern climate it provides some energy in drab rainy landscapes, but in bright sun sub-tropics it'll radiate its multiple personality disorder as the sun moves around; don't worry, it'll confuse more than enrage. At least the hatch provides a 'hoody' appearance to the silouette, contributing a punky effect to the car overall.

Yellow, Red, blue, black, and grays naturally work well with light gray aluminums and black tires, but bc contrasts too much in hue and shade; think gunmetal gray with a color conflict.

Main problems are the large silver headlights, taillight reds and silver wheels and door handles. I think this color would do to have gray wheels, not black as that'll contrast too much and purple will leak out all over the road. Silver wheels with some black paint around rivets, or painted wide lip leaving silver ring in there could be ok. I wouldn't want to lose the 23 - 24 lb 19'' wheels though if you'd want those.

Gray out, iow darken, head and tail-lights, window tint too should help.
Handles could be powder coated gray, perhaps with some pattern -lines or patterns- to show some aluminum, shame to hide it all.

Very dark yellow headlight covers, or painted interior of headlights, and dark bronze wheels might work, but would need to match dark tone of color.
Pull or paint N doughnuts.

I have a bc 370; had a mb 350 but found the black a bit dull over time; sure, nice when clean n waxed but flat. White seemed boring, but bc needed a 2nd look to determine what it was on first glance; I liked that ambivalence but as mentioned, bringing the rest of the color components down to a blackened blood tone could get one past the purple haze.

Main thing is to lower the body 7/8'', after that tone down the rest little by little?
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