Tata for now... the car was towed Thursday to Elite Automotive in Lakeland, FL. I'm going strictly off of a reference from a friend of a friend. I contacted Heffner Performance, but never heard back from them. A guy I've known for 8 years (used to have a built TT 350Z and now has had a Viper for 5 years) gave me his friend's number (Lee Suanders), who owns a couple Vipers that were built by Elite Automotive. Google his name and Viper and you will see that I'm in good hands
Originally Posted by tranceformer
How did I miss this thread????? Just read through the entire thread, sorry to hear the bad news Ryan... I wish you good luck with the tear down.
Thanks, Ray. Hopefully, it will be back bigger and better. It sucks going to Cars & Coffee without it...especially when mine is always the only coupe. At least I got to ride in my friend's Black Edition that day.